
The Best Practices of Successful Financial Advisors is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon

Working in the financial services for the last 27 years has taught me many lessons. I was fortunate to have many clients (financial advisors) that were among the top ten percent in the business. They were so generous with their success stories and teaching me exactly what habits put them in the top tier among their peers. They earned so much more than the thousands of other advisors, but they weren’t incredibly more talented or smarter. They understood the importance of integrity, attitude, reliability, keeping your promises, having goals, strong client relationships and going beyond their own comfort zones. Two of the best mentors I had when I started at MFS in 1987 were Jim and Tom Jessee. Over the next 25 years, there were many more superstars I would meet, learn from and then share these ideas with the other financial advisors I worked with in my role as a sales rep for money managers. I consider myself lucky to work with great managers like Jim Salners, Bayard Closser, Tony Rogers, Pat Miller and Tony Poleondakis. They gave me so many opportunities to grow and pursue my passions. Thank you gentlemen!

I’ve shared many of these great and successful ideas in The Best Practices of Successful Financial Advisors. My goal is to help financial advisors build their business, strengthen relationships with their clients, have more fun in this business (that has changed drastically since 2000), find more time to have a LIFE and yes, make more money over the years. If you know anyone interested in reaching these goals, feel welcome to share the link to this blog or to this new book.

All the Best to you!!
